Pakistan Cyber Army has launched a project called "You are Stupid". After Acer looks stupid another disclosure and this time its India's "National Informatics Center". Here they also followed the same process "Google Hacking". Their intention is to bring out the information was to proof one old saying ?There is no patch for human stupidity?. PCA just want to proof with this disclosure that in today?s complex security and network architecture many common things can be overlooked. The more push is on buying high value solution implementation rather than developing sense of realization of the most important factor which is human resource.
Google Dork : +username
Demo :
USERNAME: ibsdimphal
PASSWORD: ibsd1234
Pakistan Cyber Army also exposed the full credential (admin's Id & Pass, Vulnerable Link)
Google Dork : +username
Demo :
USERNAME: ibsdimphal
PASSWORD: ibsd1234
Pakistan Cyber Army also exposed the full credential (admin's Id & Pass, Vulnerable Link)
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