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El_nino says :
video itu di upload oleh HolidayCarrot pada Jul 10, 2010 dengan judul Facebook Animation..kembali ke pertanyaan "gimana caranya ya PP bisa bergerak? sedangkan extensi .GIF tidak bakal bergerak di PP facebook?"..klo Profile Picture Facebook bisa bergerak, itu HOAX kecuali aplikasi facebook semisal Animated Picture dll
okey yang kedua "lohh...??? koq JPG bisa bergerak?"..ane jawab Ya file .jpg bisa bergerak..om pernah denger Stop Motion lebih jelasnya DI SINI om dan jadinya Movie
kembali ke video itu..gimana cara buatnya yaa? loh kan udah ada itu di comment video youtubenya si pembuat bilang "thanks a lot :) i took lots of pictures and in each picture i moved a little bit. then i made all the pictures my facebook prophile picture one by one and took a picture of each prophile picture. i then made and animation of all the facebook prophile pictures and ended up with this :) hope i helped :) have a great day"
Animation :
./Update Facebook Status with Animated Gif and Flash Animation
See Also:

flower yea http://www.blogger.com/home